Elect COLLEEN MURPHY for Portsmouth District Councillor – City of Kingston
Hello Neighbour,
I am a candidate running for Councillor of Portsmouth District in the upcoming municipal election and I am asking for your support. I live in Portsmouth Village and enjoy the people and sense of community that prevails. I have lived and worked in Kingston for more than 15 years. I am a forty-two-year-old woman, and note that of the candidates for council only a quarter are women. Kingston needs equal representation! There are seven candidates for this district, three women, all who live in the district, and four men, who all seem to think you don’t care if they don’t! I state this to bring awareness, how can we hope to change the status quo without it?
If you asked me a year ago whether I would consider running for Council, my answer would have been no. Like you, I had work and family commitments that needed my attention. So then why am I asking you to elect me on October 24th, 2022? What has changed?
As a homeowner, I was notified of proposed changes to zoning put forward as part of the Central Kingston Growth Strategy(CKGS). After considering the changes myself I began canvassing to raise awareness of the changes. Many of my neighbours were not notified and they also disagreed with these plans and supported a petition I started and many sent their own letters to the Planning Department to ask the City to reconsider. We developed a strategy and through a lot of determination and hard-work we challenged the CKGS and were successful! At the vote to pass the City-wide bylaw amendment to enact the changes, the City Planner announced that they would revisit the issue in Portsmouth District. This hard-fought win saved hundreds of mature trees along Johnson St.
I was born in Kingston and raised in Harrowsmith and Sydenham. Living in these beautiful natural environments taught me to value the natural world. I graduated from Regiopolis-Notre Dame High School, and then from McMaster University in Hamilton with a Bachelor of Commerce Honours degree. I have more than fifteen years of experience in financial roles and I take accountability seriously. I will serve Kingston by ensuring that decisions are both fiscally responsible, and fully vetted. I am a lifelong learner. I am passionate about many different issues like the environment, human rights, housing and affordability. I believe that my background in business, engineering and research will be invaluable considering the variety of issues presented at City Council.
Why should you elect me?
For the past ten months I have had an active interest in the decisions of the Planning Committee and Council devoting many hours each week. I intend to be as informed as possible and to use my voice to serve our district and the City in which I live. Not acting will not bring the changes I wish to see, it only allows the City to pass motions unchecked.
Respect You are Portsmouth! The issues that are important to you will be my focus!
Equality, accessibility, and inclusion Barriers that prevent involvement by all members of our community need to be identified and addressed. We need to come together to solve the significant issues we face today. I will be a voice for all constituents; people both young and old, of all abilities both mental and physical, of all income levels and faiths, BIPOC, and people from the LGBTQ+ community. I value feedback and different perspectives. A lack of diversity limits our ability to name the factors at play, and our ability to find effective solutions.
I intend to campaign full-time and to be a full-time councillor if elected. There is a lot to do, I will make this district my priority I promise you!
Please reach out to introduce yourself, let me know your thoughts, or to make a donation. Call or email me directly
Phone: (343) 364-9524 (cell)
Email: murphycL14@gmail.com
Election Day: Monday, October 24th, 2022
Colleen Murphy